So, your urine smells like burnt popcornwhy is this happening, and is it bad? If low hydration or high urine concentration were the reason, the color would also be avery strong shade of yellow. If your dog does not receive enough water on a daily basis, it can cause his urine to be extremely strong and unpleasant. Towel dry your dog, and if you can, let him hang around outside for a bit so that the fresh air and warmth of the sun can speed up his drying process. I now try to help people how to recognize and understand signs of illness in their dogs, how to work with their veterinarian and when to seek a second opinion. The culprit is usually the same thing that causes their pee to smell like fish. B vitamins in your . Learn the facts to be carefulbut mostly to feel more at ease. If your dog has yeast on his or her ears, they will become irritated, discharge fluid from his or her ears, and have an unpleasant odor. If your carpet smells like a wet dog after cleaning, the issue is most likely still the underlying backing or padding of the carpet. When mixed with other compounds present in cat urine, it can produce an unpleasant smell reminiscent of rotten eggs or burnt matches. BabelBark connects pet owners with their veterinarians, and pet service providers they use and trust the most. They gave valuable input on the matter. Lets get started! You might notice its stronger than usual or has different smells than youve noticed before. 2. This brings me to the point that with the distance of your nose from your dogs pee and the way the smell would dissipate in the outdoor environment, I imagine that in most cases, the urine has to smell pretty bad before youd notice unless your dog is also having potty accidents at home. When mixed with other substances, it can smell like cat urine, various chemicals, or even chocolate. It's rather difficult to distinguish between the scent of smoked crack and smoked methamphetamine. Im not sure. No other problems. Ive asked a few times about it and the vet said not to worry about it. Your veterinarian will most likely perform a urine and blood test on your dog if he or she believes the odor is caused by something else besides his/her medical condition. Anal glands are small, kidney-shaped sacs located on either side of your dog's anus between the smooth rectal muscle and external anal sphincter. If the bad smell comes from the skin of the dog, it may be due to an infection. Im also sharing it with all my dog parents. The good news is that once the health issue has been treated, your dogs breath should go back to his normal doggie breath again! Another possibility is that you have a medical condition that is causing your urine to smell that way. Drinking too much water, experiencing a urinary tract infection, or smelling stinky foods and medications can all cause the smell of urine to be unpleasant. What I'm trying to share encompasses 20 years of experience. It is critical to keep their genitals free of hair that could collect urine droplets. Some people may have an unusual urine odor for a variety of reasons, and the medical team can determine what is causing it. The cause of the skin disease can be allergies, but also parasites, bacteria or yeasts. Corgophobia can cause your dog's breath to smell like burnt hair or rubber. Lighting a match produces sulfur dioxide, an odor diffuser that smells stronger than farts and feces. Check what you ate: Usually it is due to food intake. . . When you start to notice changes in the color and the smell of your urine, however, it can become a stressful situation due to the sensitive anatomy involved and the number of possibilities that could be causing these changes. The smells vary from person to person but are usually unpleasant, such as burnt toast, metallic, or chemical smells. They are related to fossas, civets, and genets in Southeast Asia and bearcats in North America. It is entirely possible and highly likely that they will smell like pee if they come into contact with pee in their surroundings, either accidentally or deliberately. Urine smells like burnt rubber. You may even notice your dog smells like urine. This is a sign of kidney disease. Click below to download your Veterinary Visit Checklists. Is there a chance your dog could have encountered a skunk? Allergies cause irritations and breaks in the skin, which make them more susceptible to infection. Does skunk spray smell different up close? Besure to clean away any fluid that got onto your dog. Fill the bowls and let them sit in the affected area for a few hours or even overnight if the smell is fairly strong. Coprophagia: some dogs love nothing better than eating the poop of other animals. To Pee Or To Feed: Which Comes First For Your Dog? You are walking your dog one peaceful afternoon in the park. To express them yourself, youll need to insert your ring finger and thumb into their anus. You might also notice it if your yard seems to be giving off a weird smell. Good hydration, frequent potty breaks and probiotics help prevent that. It might not sound like good news, but these issues arent as common as UTIs. And if your female dogs urine smells fishy? This is great info! If its not, theres likely another cause for the smell. The most common cause of burnt rubber smell on a dog's breath is dog dental disease. As the waste products build-up, the dogs breath will start to smell foul and will be accompanied by other symptoms, as well. should we get him into the vet first things in the morning? For example, have you ever noticed your dogs urine is dark in coloror giving off a strong odor? The post is a mini-seminar in itself thank you! A poor diet can also be a contributing factor to this condition, and this may even develop into other problems like a yeast infection. She is due for a vet visit soon anyway to get blood work due to the medications she's on so I could always just ask the vet then. Why Do I Randomly Smell Burning Rubber? It seemed to enjoy the rubber fire. Dental issues: such as rotting teeth, abscesses, gum disease, and more can cause a dogs breath to become very foul. It is possible that your veterinarian will recommend a therapeutic diet to dissolve the stones and crystals. In fact, pee that has a strong ammonia smell, or a foul or slightly-sweet scent is often the first indication that you have a UTI. Blood in Dog Stool: Why Is There Blood in My Dog's Poop? Requires constant diligence. The smell of cat urine is very ammonia-like, and it's normal. If your dog has a urinary tract infection, you may hear a foul odor in his urine. Rinse, and wash again with dog shampoo if desired. How To Stop Your Dog From Peeing On Power Outlets, How To Potty Train Your Dog: The Complete Guide. Now I have never encountered a dog that smells like burnt rubber or chemicals before. One of the worst things to get rid of in a cat is a persistent UTI so your dog version caught my interest. Verify, confirm. One possibility is that you are dehydrated and need to drink more fluids. The scent of urine in a dog's breath may indicate kidney disease. In some cases, a dog might feel pain when urinating, causing them to whine or cry out. Review symptoms, medications & behavior to keep your pets healthy with a Vet Online in just minutes. Needless to say, my appetite for anything garlicky (bye-bye garlic bread) was quashed for a number of years. It's also called olfactory hallucination. Concentrated urine will have a relatively strong smell too. Any particular reason youre concerned about that? In loving memory of Jasmine. We thought maybe he was accidentally poisoned. Why Does My Dog Push Things With His Nose? Cystitis can cause the urine to smell sulphuric as the result of excess bacteria. Onion. I had no idea sugar could make urine smell either! Inhaling burning rubber or plastic is harmful as it may contain chemicals and poisons, such as carbon monoxide and cyanide. Sometimes it can take a while to determine if the smell is coming from their urine. However, she had an UTI a few months ago, a very stubborn strain of e. Coli that took two rounds of antibiotics to clear up. Smelling smoky or burning smells including burnt toast is a common type of phantosmia. Pet Dog Owner is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC associates program. After 30 seconds they said, no, our dog had been skunked. When smoked, crack cocaine smells very much like a combination of burnt plastic and chemicals, and if you've been to a nail salon, you may have smelled something similar. Keep their dish clean, full, and available at all times. Fishy Smell That's Not Fish. Use Baking Soda. Nothing like this burning smell I smelled tonight. Although lots of people think smelling something burning is a sign of a stroke, there's no solid evidence this is true. This can cause the dog's breath to smell like poop or even like burnt rubber. If your dog snacks on poop, they have corgophobia. If you feel it is something else, or of a more serious nature, then please dont hesitate to take your beloved canine friend to your local vet. Many pet moms and dads let their dogs out in the backyard to do their business; others have to take their dogs on walks while they relieve themselves. Other foods, including Brussels sprouts, onions, cabbage, and turnips can also make your pee smell funky because of a metabolic byproduct called methyl mercaptan, a gas with a putrid, sulfurous smell that emerges . Veterinary Visit Checklist Part I: For Your Veterinarian, Veterinary Visit Checklist Part II: For Yourself. Why does my dogs pee smell like burnt rubber? Another possibility is that you have a kidney infection or kidney stones, which can cause the urine to have a foul smell. We love our pooches, but sometimes, they stink. When your dog has other kidney issues, the odors of his urine may become particularly unpleasant, especially if ammonia levels and other waste levels are higher than usual. More on that soon. white hard to miss, such as diarrhoea, vomiting. Phantosmia is the medical word doctors use when a person smells something that is not actually there. When crack isn't being smoked, it can be a very difficult substance to detect by smell alone. Some people refer to this as a urine or burning rubber smell. There are a few potential explanations for why urine might smell like burnt rubber. So this has me wondering if she peed in the hallway because that's where she dragged the chicken. ZooAwesome should not be considered as an alternative to professional vet advice. This will also produce a burnt hair smell. If your dog snacks on poop, they have corgophobia. Further, dogs with diabetes are prone to infections, and the combination of high sugar and a UTI is possible. If you listen to the rubber companies, they are harmless. If Your Urine Smells Like Coffee. There is more to finding a good vet than finding the closest clinic down the street. The smell usually subsides after completing or changing your medication. The most common medically-concerning reason for smelly pee in women is a urinary tract infection, according to Ross. Always consult with a licensed and credible veterinarian for pet related concerns. Anal glands have a strong smell, which can resemble burnt hair or rubber. The mixture may be used on a human or on a pet. This is definitely one urine change worth talking to your veterinarian about. Rotten fish, including your dog, isnt a smell anyone wants hanging around. Coprophagia: some dogs love nothing better than eating the poop of other animals. ZooAwesome is not intended as replacement to any veterinarian advice. Ibuprofen, ZzzQuil, and prenatal vitamins are also great influencers. She is also on Cranberry Extract, the kind that has cPACs (per the vet's recommendation), for bladder support. According to Nicholas Dodman, a veterinary behaviorist at Tufts University in Massachusetts, the odor most likely comes from yeast or pseudomonas, which thrive in damp, airless, unventilated areas between dog toes. Just tonight she snuck into the cat food tray while I was working in another room (wife was in living room with her and didn't notice that she snuck away) and dragged the chicken down the hallway, into the bedroom and proceeded to eat most of it before I caught her. However, it will only be a cosmetic issue, and causes no harm to your pooch. Do not forget to bathe and wash your clothes after cleaning your dog. 72 yr old female. Mix all the ingredients together into a bucket. That is the number one cause of stinky pee. And when youre right by their side on walks, you might have caught a whiff of their urine when they stop to relieve themselves. 4. Cocaine can have a sweet, floral scent but it also smells very metallic, like chemicals. Multiple Dog Household Gastroenteritis: Three Housemates All get Diarrhea and Vomiting, Bulging Eyes in Dogs: When Your Dog's Bulging Eyes Are Not Normal, And You Should Be Concerned. Also, a dog smells like burnt hair when their anxiety levels spike. A garlicky smell may be a sign the dog has ingested phosphorous, found in household poisons, fireworks or matches. All fields are required. It is also very uncomfortable for them. Garlic. Rinse your dog thoroughly until it no longer smells like burnt rubber. Always seek the advice of your veterinarian with any questions you may have regarding the medical condition of your pet. This is probably your issue. You might be surprised to know that skin infections can also cause this type of smell. When the body excretes these in the urine, they can make the urine smell like popcorn. He was salivating and behaving wildly. Well, the infection can migrate to the bladder or even the kidneys, where it becomes more serious. We informed the vet that we had a dog with a potential poisoning. If a dog consumes a lot of fish, asparagus, or other vegetables, the smell of burnt rubber in its urine may be unmistakable. Corgophobia can cause your dogs breath to smell like burnt hair or rubber. There is more to finding a good vet than finding the closest clinic down the street. Perhaps it has something to do with the initial spray and the hormones the dog puts out from its high anxiety level. It was a fair sized puddle too, not dark yellow though. Licking near the urinary opening. Find out. as an Amazon Associate Pet Dog Owner earns from qualifying purchases. : Change in taste and smell can have several causes, including zinc lozenges, a sinus infection, or other supplements or meds you are taking. Before anyone jumps in to say "vet," that is our plan if this issue continues. When your dog has bacterial infections in his ears, he may drool, have a bad odor, or lose his hearing. What to do if my dog smells like burnt hair/rubber. You are probably familiar with the infamous wet dog smell. Your story can help other dogs and dog parents who find themselves in the same situation. Up close, skunk smell can smell like burning rubber and it will be so strong that your eyes and throat will burn. If so, heres how to clean your yard of dog urine odors! This is often a psychological issue. Your thinking that I run a dog kennel, so what would I know about this subject. A weakened immune system due to disease can also make them more likely to get an infection. Be sure that they are getting plenty of exercise and mental stimulation. It should be enough, but it often is not. Dog dental disease . When . However, a word of caution do not leave the solution on your dogs fur for too long since there is Hydrogen Peroxide in the solution, and this can cause adverse effects on your dogs coat. Caffeine withdrawal occurs when you suddenly stop taking caffeine after taking it for a long time. Thankfully we have had some customers who have. The information is provided for educational and illustrative purposes and to give you an idea what to research and what questions to ask your veterinarian. But do not fret because there is another simple DIY remedy you can make with the products you have at home. I learned the hard way that merely seeing a vet is not always enough. And the degree to how bad the ears smell is also significant. I now try to help people how to recognize and understand signs of illness in their dogs, how to work with their veterinarian, and when to seek a second opinion. If your pooch smells like burnt hair or rubber, how to fix it will vary based on the underlying cause. However, one of the most common reasons why a dogs urine might smell like burning rubber is simply because they have been eating foods that contain sulfur. Concentrated urine can have a strong odor. I was just wondering about the smell. How do you get rid of burnt rubber smell? To make things even more difficult for parents, the smell of smoked heroin dissipates at a rapid pace. A strong garlic smell, especially if accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea. Whenever you're craving something unusual, you can take it as a hint that your body is missing something important. You Have a Urinary Tract Infection. Why Are Dogs Always Hungry? This is usually a sign of dehydration, but it can also indicate crystals in the urine. In people, some foods, such as asparagus, can make urine smell quite weird. If your dogs urine remains excessively smelly even after theyve been hydrated, it could be a sign that he or she is seriously ill. It was so bad that we actually took our dog to the vet. Given the circumstances, assuming the terrible smell was from the meds made sense, but I strongly believe that assumptions are your worst enemy. Although this does not prove to be successful all the time and may even leave your dogs fur reddish-orange. Dog care, symptoms, health issues, and dog health advocacy from an owner's perspective. You may not be able to get the smell off entirely in one wash, and this is normal since a skunks substance usually is vital and sticks to a surface for long periods. When a snake breathes in the toxins in the gases given off from the rubber . White vinegar, baking soda, fresh coffee grounds, and activated charcoal are all excellent examples of odor-absorbing products that can be placed in the bowls. Certain conditions, however, may cause your urine to have an unusual or unpleasant odor, which may raise concerns about a problem or abnormality. Since the beginning of the pandemic, Covid infection has been the main . 5. Win a Free Copy of Symptoms to Watch for in Your Dog. If your dog is in diapers for any reason, be super mindful of the risk of urine scald in dogs. You could have diabetes: Doctors reveal what different illnesses SMELL like. If your dog has been bitten by a skunk, immediately report the bite to the veterinarian. So if your dogs urine smells sweet, you are indeed actually smelling sugar. As you reach home, you suddenly start smelling a familiar scent burnt rubber. Getting up close and personal with your dogs bathroom habits might seem uncomfortable. Can you be sure the smell is definitely coming from the urinary tract? There are many reasons why people may experience phantom smells. Aside from smelling like burnt hair, your dog may smell a bit "smoky". Jasmine, the Rottweiler of my life, was the largest female from her litter. She hasn't done it in months though. Always consult a licensed veterinarian if you have any health or behavior concerns about your pets.