a) MBO e. Carl Jung. b To put things in order. c) It can vary across cultures. d. through the insights of clinicians d Transpersonal psychology's founders include all of the following except: a. Abraham Maslow b. John Krumboltz c. Stanislav Grof. Or she may not be in the proper environment to solicit behaviors to satisfy the need. The Anti-Immigration Protests Q9 - All of the following are policy/program implications from rational theories EXCEPT: c) Do your best __________ is the process of developing, negotiating, and formalizing the targets or objectives that a person is responsible for accomplishing. b) Hygiene factors refer to job content. Organizational behavior researchers often classify motivation in terms of what stimulates it. Any discussion of needs that motivate performance would be incomplete without considering Abraham Maslow.8 Thousands of managers in the 1960s were exposed to Maslows theory through the popular writings of Douglas McGregor.9 Today, many of them still talk about employee motivation in terms of Maslows theory. Manny is classified as driven by a need for: Content theories tend to: emphasize the direction component of motivation All of the following are process theories of motivation EXCEPT: SDT The term operant conditioning is used to indicate that the learning process is based on the results produced by a person operating on the: environment b) instrumentalities exports to Europe? Organziational Behaviour, 7ce Chapter 4: Theories of Motivation Chapter 4 Theories of Motivation 4.1 Multiple-Choice Questions 1) Motivation is A) a component of ability, personal traits and desire. On StuDocu you will find over 6300 lecture notes, summaries and assignments from LU, to help you pass your exams. Busi 240 Liberty University Quiz 3BUSI 240 Quiz 2. Which of the following statements accurately describes Herzberg's hygiene factors? a) Motivator factors are related to job content. SDT would suggest that the primary way to motivate high performance for such jobs is to make performance contingent on extrinsic rewards. Job enrichment is one effective strategy; this frequently entails training and rotating employees through different jobs, or adding new challenges. b) self esteem b) ERG theory includes a frustration-digression component, but Maslow's theory does not. Question 17:- Managerial implications for the SDT theory include: a) to motivate high performance for uninteresting jobs make performance contingent on extrinsic rewards. b. Adherence and familiarity with only one theory. Management by objectives is criticized for placing too much emphasis on goal-oriented rewards and punishments, top-down goals, goals that are easily stated in objective terms, and individual instead of group goals. a) The theory may be method bound. Many needs are learned. a) Acquired needs theory Which one of the following statements about the application and/or implications of equity theory is false? We strive to make the need disappear. As we increasingly satisfy our existence needs, we direct energy toward relatedness needs. Joanna likes attention and is driven by seeking influence over others. b. ERG theory. a. The theories presented in this section focus on the importance of human needs. Other needs take over and we endeavor to satisfy them. First, when a need has been energized, we are motivated to satisfy it. d) The research can only be replicated with the original method. The twenty-one Nursing Problems C. Restorative Care Needs D. Therapeutic Self-care Demands Which of the following content theories of motivation is associated with the needs for achievement, affiliation, and power? e) Physiological. 2017. Giving Back. https://bombas.com/pages/giving-back, Knowledge @ Wharton. c) People who feel they are overpaid tend to decrease the quantity or quality of their work, whereas people who feel they are underpaid tend to increase the quantity or quality of their work. Hygienes can cause dissatisfaction if they are not present in sufficient levels. d) Herzberg's two-factor theory. Herzbergs theory has made lasting contributions to organizational research and managerial practice. How cognitive processes as thoughts and decisions within the minds of people influence their behavior. c) Goals are most likely to lead to higher performance when people have the abilities and the feelings of self-efficacy required to accomplish them. and you must attribute OpenStax. To accomplish something difficult. a. deterrence theory b. routine activities theory c. social disorganization theory d. neurological theory, Examples of informal sanctions include the following EXCEPT ______. The individual level does not impact the group level. All of the following are examples of stage theories in development except _____. Maslow went on to propose five basic types of human needs. d. goal-setting theory. c) the satisfaction of a need at one level will always decrease its importance and increase the importance of the next lower need. If the MARR is 20%, which pump should be selected? A person can resolve perceived negative inequity by doing all of the following EXCEPT: Organizational behavior researchers, however, are not as enamored with it because research results dont support Maslows hierarchical notion. But most of us dont steal. Such needs may exist (latent needs); the work environment is simply not conducive to their manifestation (manifest needs). e) equity, Which equation correctly reflects Vroom's expectancy theory of motivation? a) power. Of the three needs studied by McClelland, nAch has the greatest impact. These outside the person factors are extrinsic rewards. e) Self-actualization and physiological. Social comparison is the basic foundation of which theory? Which of the following is a limitation of Herzberg's two-factor theory? To feed, help, support, console, protect, comfort, nurse, heal. Content theories include all of the following theories EXCEPT: a) Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory. b) It fails to help explain any cross-cultural management situations. Equity To assist an object in danger. d. A disaster may have a known and gradual onset Disasters frequently result in all of the following EXCEPT a. e) The absence of motivator factors causes job dissatisfaction. d) ERG theory provides a timeline for action, but Maslow's theory does not. Content theories include all of the following theories EXCEPT: a) Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory. d) specific goals lead to lower performance A common perception about people who perform unskilled jobs is that they are unmotivated and content doing what they are doing. Content theories of motivation mainly focus on the physiological and psychological deficiencies that people feel a compulsion to reduce or eliminate. e) ERG theory, 65. c.) Expectancy a) The multiplier effect is still in question. b) instrumentality is high and expectancy and valence are low Launched in 2013, Bombas is the brain child of Randy Goldberg and David Heath. Herzberg recommends using _________ to build motivators into job content. a) reducing work inputs. 49. c.) An individual's choice when presented with a number of possible alternatives. The person may not have had the opportunity to express the need. To avoid pain, physical injury, illness, and death. You can think of content theories of motivation as focusing on WHAT will motivate us. To have sexual intercourse. A manifest need is whatever need is motivating us at a given time. They want others to respond to their wishes whether or not it is good for the organization. As with nAch, nAff varies in intensity across individuals. We recommend using a Managers often assume that employees do not have certain needs because the employees never try to satisfy them at work. Individual therapy meets the standard of best practices when it includes all of the following EXCEPT. According to Maslow, Sharon is driven by which these needs? an individual's choice when presented with a number of possible alternatives. To oppose forcefully or punish another. d. Appraisal of the empirical evidence for and against the selected theory for the case at hand. They like situations where the probability of success is moderate. For example, some people steal to satisfy their lower-order needs (they have high intensity). In the context of motivation, level refers to __________. Process theories of motivation attempt to explain this aspect of motivation by focusing on the intensity of motivation as well as its direction. Hygiene factors are not directly related to the work itself (job content). They avoid both simple and impossible situations. Creative Commons Attribution License 6. individual. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. b) the amount of effort a person puts forth c) ERG theory contends that more than one need may be activated at a particular point in time, whereas Maslow's theory does not. b.) b) Alderfer's ERG theory. Maslow's social needs tend to be more important in more collectivist societies like Mexico, thereby challenging the structured approach to the pyramid across cultures. b. Freud studies mainly "sick" people. e. acquired-needs theory. Dec 12, 2022 OpenStax. These eight types of intelligence represent the varied ways individuals process information. Lastly, the aspiration component of the ERG model notes that, by its very nature, growth is intrinsically satisfying. Placing a company in a larger context and adding a second, higher purpose than the established company goals motivates employees to police the company itself to be a better global citizen. The unconscious is extremely difficult to study. Solve the application problem involving cash and trade discounts. b) safety. e) It holds that people who feel underpaid will reduce their work efforts to compensate for missing rewards. d.) esteem and physiological. To form and further an erotic relationship. Exhibit 14.6 illustrates Maslows proposed hierarchy of needs. a) only one need may be activated at the same time a) Motivation = expectancy X instrumentality X valence c) McClelland's acquired needs theory. A need is a human condition that becomes energized when people feel deficient in some respect. a) hygiene factors are associated with the job context or work setting. If you are redistributing all or part of this book in a print format, B) an individual's intensity, direction and persistence. true. According to Herzberg's two-factor theory, which of the following factors are the sources of job satisfaction? The theory of evolution is one of the fundamental keystones of modern biological theory.. c) McClelland's acquired needs theory. How? Subsistence Because meeting these needs provides satisfaction, they motivate workers. Content perspectives, also known as need-based perspectives, include all except which one of the following theories? They represent a continuing process of self-development and self-improvement that, once satisfied on one dimension (painting), create motivation to continue on other dimensions (sculpting). Which of the following is true of the use of Maslow's needs hierarchy? For example, it is difficult for researchers to ascertain when interaction with others satisfies our need for acceptance and when it satisfies our need for recognition. a) Lower-order needs become more important as individuals move up the corporate ladder. d) Motivation-hygiene theory Automation has eliminated many such jobs, but they are still numerous. e) The absence of motivator factors causes job dissatisfaction. To master, manipulate, or organize physical objects, human beings, or ideas. Reinforcement Question 1 All of the following are criticisms of Freud's theory EXCEPT: Answers: Selected Answer: c. He relied on correlational methods. Rays beginning and ending accounts receivables balances are $147,990 and$142,720, respectively. e) base wage or salary. To draw near and enjoyably cooperate or reciprocate with an allied other (another who resembles the subject or who likes the subject). e) The theory fails and does not clearly categorize salary. true. 4. Watson's carative factors include all the following, EXCEPT: A. e.) Inducement. a) It is not pertinent for cultures outside of the United States. Since content theories suggest that motivation results from individual needs, managers should __________. Apparently, people dont go through the five levels in a fixed fashion. cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)b. Unilever employees more than 170,000 workers globally and has an employ engagement level around 80 percent. a.) Lucretias need to dominate may not be motivating her current behavior because she is with friends instead of coworkers. Todays flexible, cost-conscious organizations have no room for top-heavy structures; their high-nAch employees perform their jobs well with minimal supervision. b) Motivation = expectancy X equity X rewards Manifest needs dominate our other needs. https://www.employeebenefits.co.uk/issues/april-2017/rbs-boosts-employee-motivation-engagement-csr-approach/, Bombas. When weve eaten to satiation, we are no longer motivated to eat. Herzberg argued that there are two sets of needs, instead of the five sets theorized by Maslow. They look at motivation from the perspective of our needs and aspirations. Which of the following is the correct order of Maslow's needs from the lowest (lower-order need) to the highest (higher-order need)? Maslows theory differs from others that preceded it because of this hierarchical, prepotency concept. Developing and sustaining a helping-trusting, authentic caring relationship Creative use of self and all ways of knowing as part of the caring process to engage in artistry of caring-healing practices Practice of loving kindness and equanimity (self-control/composure) within context of caring consciousness e) expectancy or instrumentality or valence equals zero, d) expectancy, instrumentality, and valence are all high, According to expectancy theory, managers can influence workers' __________ by clarifying performance-reward relationships and confirming these relationships when rewards are actually given for performance accomplishments. All of the following statements describe hygiene factors in the two-factor theory EXCEPT: Describe a content theory of motivation. b) Instrumentality Goldberg and Heath discovered that socks are the most-requested clothing at homeless shelters. Intrinsic rewards satisfy higher-order needs like relatedness and growth in ERG theory. probable effect that this will have on e) Locke and Latham's goal setting theory. Given the success of the program, in 2017 it was expanded to all RBS sites and a smartphone app was added to help employees participate in the challenges (Barton 2017). Herzberg also refers to these factors as dissatisfiers because they are frequently associated with dissatisfied employees. An overriding principle in this theory is that a persons attention (direction) and energy (intensity) will focus on satisfying the lowest-level need that is not currently satisfied. To be seen and heard. Extrinsic motivation increases as intrinsic motivation decreases! d) Hygiene factors contribute to job satisfaction. b) Equity One major problem with the need approach to motivation is that we can make up a need for every human behavior. d) Herzberg's two-factor theory. High-nAch people are not motivated by tasks that are too easy or extremely difficult. To submit passively to external force. Exam will be online Sunday, May 14, 2023 c) Its essence is that perceived inequity is a motivating state. You probably know a few of them. b.) Thus, an employee can be dissatisfied with low pay. c) People who feel they are overpaid tend to decrease the quantity or quality of their work, whereas people who feel they are underpaid tend to increase the quantity or quality of their work. e) assumed negative inequity, According to equity theory, which of the following exists when an individual feels that he or she has received relatively more than others have received? e) Physiological, social, safety, self-actualization, and esteem, d) Physiological, safety, social, esteem, and self-actualization, 63. Motivator factors involve our long-term need to pursue psychological growth (much like Maslows esteem and self-actualization needs). e) Growth, According to ERG, ____________ needs reflect a desire for continued personal development. E) an attitudinal trait. a. B. Instilling faith-hope . To like to laugh and make jokes. Except where otherwise noted, textbooks on this site e) In collectivist cultures, people seem to be more concerned about equality than equity. In the two-factor theory of motivation, __________ are associated with the job context, such as working conditions, interpersonal relations, organizational policies, and salary. Hygiene needs, on the other hand, must be met to avoid dissatisfaction (but do not necessarily provide satisfaction or motivation).15. nondirectivec. On the other hand, SDT would suggest that to enhance intrinsic motivation on jobs that are interesting, dont focus only on increasing extrinsic rewards (like large pay bonuses). There are no higher levels in the pyramid, because self-actualization needs can never be fully satisfied. Could we detect that need from her current behavior? b) ERG d) Who will be a more appropriate manager for an employee High-nPow people do have effective employee behaviors, but at times theyre disruptive. b) hygiene factors are sources of job dissatisfaction. How does this pay structure relate to self-determination theory (SDT)? 47. b) Task feedback, or knowledge of results, is likely to motivate people toward higher performance by encouraging the setting of higher performance goals. Theyre constantly trying to accomplish something. A kind of mirroring of clients' statements. D) a constant intensity. The Victims' Rights Movement. Which of the following comparisons of Alderfer's ERG theory and Maslow's needs hierarchy is correct? e) Locke and Latham's goal setting theory. There are four major process theories: (1) operant conditioning, (2) equity, (3) goal, and (4) expectancy. a) not possible to teach people to develop need profiles required for success in different jobs Are CCC and DDD mutually exclusive? First, managers should address the hygiene factors. c) Higher-order needs become more important as individuals move up the corporate ladder. Do you study at Liberty University? Which statement about acquired needs theory is correct? c. He relied on correlational methods. c) reinforcers a) It is a content theory of motivation. But paying him more will not cause long-term satisfaction unless motivators are present. It reflects a motivation to influence and be responsible for other people. To attack, injure, or kill another. a) pay the consequences of an individual's behavior. To snub or jilt an object. b) valence a) research evidence suggests that the needs in Maslow's hierarchy exist in a flexible rather than rigid order. are not subject to the Creative Commons license and may not be reproduced without the prior and express written d) Physiological, safety, social, esteem, and self-actualization McClelland has argued that the high need for social power is the most important motivator for successful managers. c.) Teachable a) opportunity for advancement. c) Social, esteem, self-actualization, physiological, and safety d) understand individual employee needs and create work environments that respond to them. c) the satisfaction of a need at one level will always decrease its importance and increase the importance of the next lower need. The theory posits that to maximize employee motivation, employers must try to guide workers to the upper parts of the hierarchy. The use of a formal, written agreement between the therapist and client (or other parties) that clearly states behavioral goals, reinforcements, and penalties. Content theories include all of the following theories EXCEPT: b) Alderfer's ERG theory. These factors are so frequently associated with dissatisfaction that Herzberg claims they never really provide satisfaction. b) Cells pass on genetic material to daughter cells during cell division. Manifest needs theory laid the groundwork for later theories, most notably McClellands learned needs theory, that have greatly influenced the study of organizational behavior. When theyre present in sufficient quantities, we avoid dissatisfaction, but they do not contribute to satisfaction. eclectic therapies d. Therapy in which the main goal is to change disordered or inappropriate behavior directly. If the dollar decreases in value in McClellands research differs from Murrays in that McClelland studied three needs in depth: the need for achievement, the need for affiliation, and the need for power (often abbreviated, in turn, as nAch, nAff, and nPow).5 McClelland believes that these three needs are learned, primarily in childhood. Which equation correctly reflects Vroom's expectancy theory of motivation? the amount of effort a person puts forth. c) Motivation = expectancy + equity + rewards d) valences All of the following statements about the equity theory of motivation are correct EXCEPT: existence d) Self-actualization e) Higher and lower-order needs become less important as individuals move up the corporate ladder. To get free, shake off restraint, break out of confinement. There are not enough workers who feel personal satisfaction for having the cleanest floors in a building. 51. d) affiliation factors Abeka speech for every day review quiz 1 Flashcards. b) sense of achievement. This is a manifest need. http://www.businessinsider.com/bombas-athletic-sock-review-2017-1. d) Goals are most likely to motivate people toward higher performance when they are accepted and there is commitment to them. A. Florence Nightingale's Environment Theory . c) top-down goals. The degree to which the rules and procedures specified by policies are properly followed in all cases to which they are applied is known as __________. Concept related to Betty Neuman's System Model of Nursing is: A. a) 23 Term used to describe a therapy style in which the therapist remains relatively neutral and does not interpret or take direct actions with regard to the client, instead remaining a calm, nonjudgmental listener while the client talks. a) Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory. e) ERG theory, Manny has always been driven by the need to work more efficiently, solve problems, and master complex tasks. Which of the following statements is true with regards to the research on Maslow's needs hierarchy? Accounting for the imputed interest on a noninterest bearing note receivable is an example of what aspect of accounting theory? Second, once we have satisfied a need, it ceases to motivate us. a) How a person will respond to types of leadership direction d. Ken Wilbur. 3. b) Feelings of inequity are determined solely by the individual's interpretation of the situation. A reclusive accountant may not have been given the opportunity to demonstrate their need for achievement because they never received challenging assignments. Job context factors include all of the following except. b) Equity, reinforcers, and goals a) People with a high need for achievement prefer individual responsibilities, challenging goals, and performance feedback. citation tool such as, Authors: David S. Bright, Anastasia H. Cortes. According to Bhattacharya, a company needs to first define what it does and its long-term purpose, and then reconcile its sustainability goals with its economic goals. e) What work environment will suit an employee's personality better, b) How cognitive processes as thoughts and decisions within the minds of people influence their behavior, 62. Want to cite, share, or modify this book? e) organizational justice, ___________ is the degree to which all people are treated the same under a policy. Match each vocabulary term to its definition. Needs must be maintained (we must continue to eat occasionally). d) Herzberg's two-factor theory. A motive is a source of motivation; it is the need that a person is attempting to satisfy. All of the following descriptions of Maslow's needs hierarchy are correct EXCEPT: 2016. How Companies Can Tap Sustainability to Motivate Staff. http://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/article/how-companies-tap-sustainability-to-motivate-staff/, Mulvey, Kelsey. This need is oriented toward fulfilling responsibilities to the employer, not to the self. c) Motivator factors involve what people actually do in their jobs. Which of the following statements about goal setting is INCORRECT? Rather, hygienes refer to job context factors (pay, working conditions, supervision, and security). It basically states that people will do those things for which they are rewarded and will avoid doing things for which they are punished. b) Higher-order needs become less important as individuals move up the corporate ladder. Need-based theories describe motivated behavior as individual efforts to meet needs. Question 13 0 / 1 pts Content theories tend to: None of these Type: MC You Answered emphasize whether persistence will prevail provide a reasonable balance of direction and intensity focus on the intensity portion of motivation Correct Answer emphasize the direction component of motivation c) Two-factor theory Question 8. According to self-determination theory, skilled workers who are given a chance to hone their skills and the freedom to practice their craft will be intrinsically motivated. The Promotion contains a game of chance . Companies benefit from reduced waste and increased employee engagement. b) Alderfer's ERG theory. Again, there are no easy answers. [2] In addition to individual differences in development, developmental psychologists generally agree that development occurs in an orderly way and in different areas simultaneously. d) tacit negative inequity d) the order of needs in the hierarchy may differ across cultures. d. serving as a research framework. The OpenStax name, OpenStax logo, OpenStax book covers, OpenStax CNX name, and OpenStax CNX logo