Do not evade user blocks or server bans. Check out the credits for acknowledgments. Having proof of your expertise gives other users assurance that their chats will remain safe under your watchful eye. Do not evade user blocks or server bans. Adds the author block to the embed, always located at the top of the embed. Hence, you need to study the Discord Moderator Academy before you take the exam. Separate instructional & verification channels, Requires the most effort from both moderators and users, Simple to perform, cannot mistype anything, More complex, users must read and type more carefully, Users subject to server verification level (if using the Verified role method), Users not subject to server verification level, Extremely effective at deterring trolls from reaching the rest of the server, Users do not need to read instructions/rules as closely to understand what to do, Encourages users to read the verification message carefully, Encourages users to read the verification message carefully, but. Different bots will provide various ways to filter these things, keeping your chat nice and clean. After completing the exam successfully, you will receive certification from the Discord Moderator Academy which proves that you possess the skills necessary for becoming a great moderator. How many new members successfully activate on their first day? This feature is usually chained with Raid Prevention or Damage Prevention to prevent the detected raid from being effective, wherein raiding users will typically spam channels with unsavoury messages.Raid-user detection is a system designed to detect users who are likely to be participating in a raid independently of the quantity of frequency of new user joins. As an experienced moderator, I have seen firsthand how important it is for moderators to uphold the highest standards of safety and moderation. Web1. In this guide, youll learn how to get a Discord Moderator Badge. Furthermore, if there is an application process for obtaining a Discord moderation role, knowing about the platform can help strengthen your application. Moderators need to keep their cool when dealing with negative situations, so having a more positive atmosphere to start off with is key. This reason is recorded in the audit log. It involves managing the server and making sure that everything runs smoothly, as well as providing helpful advice to members of your community. As such, Fast Messages filters should prevent offenders from sending messages; this can be done via a mute, kick or ban. Time that the embed was posted. Spamming 10 links in a single message is inherently worse than having 10 emoji in a message.Anti-spam will only act on these things contextually, usually in an X in Y fashion where if a user sends, for example, 10 links in 5 seconds, they will be punished to some degree. The perfect combination should include activities, people, topics, management, and structure - all tailored together nicely within a single place. The last section of the Discord Moderator Academy is the Moderation Seminars section. This shows that you have taken the time to understand the content which can give you an edge over other applicants vying for similar positions. The differences between these methods are shown below. bbnoflus Is looking for a discord Moderators job! Here are some of the most important ones you need to know:An important thing to note is that embeds also have their limitations, which are set by the API. Administrators are the people who create Discord servers around specific interests. If any of the following: Mentions, Links, Invites, Emoji, and Newline Text are spammed repeatedly in one message or spammed repeatedly across several messages, they will provoke most Repeated Text and Fast Messages filters appropriately. Lim has been quoted and referenced by major publications and media companies like WikiHow, Fast Company, HuffPost, Vice, New York Post, The Conversation, and many others. When moderating with this in mind, it's important that you are consistent in enforcing those rules and regulations. In the community, youll be given opportunities to share feedback with the Discord team. Admins and moderators are your first go-to when you encounter an issue in a server. For our example we shall These servers should be added to an invite whitelist to prevent their deletion.Anti-RaidRaids, as defined earlier in this article, are mass-joins of users (often selfbots) with the intent of damaging your server. You must add bbnoflus#8427 on discord and message them regarding their job listing. WebAs a moderator, you spend your free time helping the server, so let your fellow moderators know you appreciate that they chose this as their hobby. However, being a Certified Discord Moderator is not that easy. Raid detection means a bot can detect the large number of users joining thats typical of a raid, usually in an X in Y format. WebModeration: Requires the Manage Server permission. To do this, its important to focus on what moderators are expected to do: help others and maintain order within the community. This can include replying to questions or starting discussions about topics relevant to the server. This can often happen in raids. It is important to remember that being an effective moderator involves more than just handing out warnings or bans when someone breaks the rules. Audit Log: Requires the View Audit Log permissions. Overall, learning the rules and guidelines for moderation is an important step in becoming a successful Discord moderator. bbnoflus Is looking for a discord Moderators job! It has many features, including a game mode for if youre livestreaming so you dont show private information, voice chat, emotes (if thats your thing), and a lot of other features useful for gamers. The best moderators typically have experience participating in your community, and are enthusiastic and seasoned superfans! Time tracking software such as Toggl, RescueTime or Time Doctor, to track the time spent on moderation tasks and to keep track of the schedule. WebModerators First off, youll need to have a team of moderators to assist in keeping the server a fun and appropriate place to participate in as your community grows. It allows users to communicate with each other while they play games or simply hang out. Users will be subject to the server verification level until they verify. If accepted, they will usually provide details on what roles they expect moderators to take up and any other rules administrators want them to abide by. This allows moderators greater ease when handling situations and ensures that everyone playing fairly abides by these set regulations. As communities grow, moderators can add more mods to keep their server a fun and welcoming place to be. Furthermore, this will complicate the interpretation of your welcome screen metrics, as the welcome screen will need to be used to help people primarily follow the verification process as opposed to visiting many channels in your server. Google Suite includes tools such as Docs, Sheets, and Forms that can be used to create and share documents, spreadsheets, and forms for moderation and community management. It is your responsibility to prevent and resolve conflicts between users, ensure the server is safe and free from potential harm, and set an example for the rest of the community to the best of your abilities. To be qualified for the Discord moderator badge, you need to be an active member in the community for at least 3 months. This includes enforcing rules, removing inappropriate content, and helping to resolve conflicts between members. Maintaining your responsibilities as a Discord moderator is essential for keeping the server safe and healthy. Hi! Once youre on the website, youll be greeted with a description of moderating on Discord. Articles start with the basics, and the later articles are some of the most advanced topics moderators may face. Don't forget to take advantage of online resources like tutorials and forums about becoming a better moderator these can provide valuable insight into how others approach their work and give you tips for improving your skillset further down the line! Keep track of activity in channels or topics that may require extra attention from a moderator's perspective and intervene accordingly if needed. With this certificate in hand, you can then apply for positions at various servers or even start your own moderating team. Mods must be familiar with the platform and its rules and regulations, and be able to moderate conversations, enforce rules, and resolve conflicts. The description talks about the importance of moderators and how the Discord Moderator Academy works. WebModeration: Requires the Manage Server permission. Audit Log: Requires the View Audit Log permissions. Not only will these actions demonstrate your knowledge of how good discord works but they'll also show others that you take this role seriously if chosen as a moderator. Mostly used with the thumbnail, icon and author elements in order to link to an image. Can create 10 webhooks per server with the ability to customize each avatar and name. Web1. Look into existing servers where moderators may be needed or create your own server from scratch if theres none already present in the area you want to focus on. It is your responsibility to prevent and resolve conflicts between users, ensure the server is safe and free from potential harm, and set an example for the rest of the community to the best of your abilities. On the multiple-choice section, select the answer that best fits the question. Once you receive the invitation to become a Discord moderator, it's time to accept the challenge and get started. A Discord raid is a sudden influx of trouble-makers on a server. In order to use the command in channel method, you will need to instruct your users to remove the Unverified role or to add the Verified role to themselves. Discord already allows slowmode to be set on a channel. DMA is a collection of resources written by moderators of some of Discords most prominent communities. In order to become a successful moderator, it is essential to understand the role of a Discord Moderator. Being able to efficiently navigate the interface and being knowledgeable about the general rules and regulations set forth by Discord. DMA is a collection of resources written by moderators of some of Discords most prominent communities. This covers a wide base of things on Discord, there are multiple types of spam a user can engage in. The third section is Advanced Community Management. Hi! As a mod, you will be responsible for monitoring conversations and enforcing the rules of your server. This involves actively listening and understanding different perspectives from others in the community. It's also helpful to have some sort of badge or symbol on your profile that indicates that you're applying for the job! The common forms are listed in the table above. Understanding the different types of roles that can be assigned within servers, including administrative roles, user-based roles and bots. This can help you determine if this is something you want to take on before committing to it. Having something like this will help set you apart from other applicants and give potential moderators confidence in choosing you for their team. These individuals are very salty and mostly annoying. At this point, potential moderators should prepare themselves for the role ahead taking notes on any guidelines given and familiarizing oneself with existing policies already put into place within the server. Are you passionate about maintaining order and enforcing rules in the online gaming community? Namely, Emoji and Links may warrant separate punishments. Additionally, taking part in their regular exams allows moderators to stay up-to-date on changes or updates to their policies. WebModerators First off, youll need to have a team of moderators to assist in keeping the server a fun and appropriate place to participate in as your community grows. Moderators also have the ability to ban members, mute users, and delete messages. Take a more abstract, philosophical look at the practice of moderation- from exploring differing moderation styles to examining the moderator/user dynamic, and beyond. Moderator bots can prevent or weaken raids too. It is your job as a moderator to communicate with those involved to determine if a user is truly in danger. Moderators must create an environment of mutual respect so that everyone feels comfortable expressing their opinions without fear of being judged or attacked. bbnoflus#8427; Moderators ; Discord ID: 592798532772298757; How do i contact? Taking advantage of the educational opportunities offered through the Discord Moderator Academy can give aspiring moderators an edge when applying for positions as well as provide them with invaluable experience once they take on those roles. The first part of the curriculum is the Basics. Applicants should be aware that most servers look for people who are active in their community and display knowledge of how to use moderation tools provided by the platform. WebDiscord is a messaging service that is intended for gamers. They establish the rules for participating, can invite people to join, and oversee the health and well-being of their community. Moderators are at the forefront of creating spaces where people feel safe and can find belonging. After submitting your application, wait for an email or direct message from a server administrator informing you whether or not you have been accepted. In order to become a successful moderator, it is essential to understand the role of a Discord Moderator. However, you shouldnt rely solely on these systems if you run a large or public server. Readers on the announcement channel will increase. Hence, make sure that youre satisfied with your answers before you move on. Becoming familiar with channel topics and participating in relevant discussions is another great way to make yourself visible within the server. Verification gates make it harder for people to join in the conversation of your server, but in exchange help protect your community from trolls, spam bots, those unable to read your servers language, or other low intent users. WebBeing a moderator means more than just being hoisted at the top of the server and having a fancy color. These functions usually prevent messages from being sent or read in public channels that new users will have access to. The Discord Moderation Discord is a community of moderators that share their knowledge and support one another. The nature of spam can vary greatly but the vast majority of instances involve a user or users sending lots of messages with the same contents with the intent of disrupting your server.There are subsets of this spam that many anti-spam filters will be able to catch. If youre invited to the community, try not to lurk. One additional component not included in the table is the effects of implementing a verification gate. Questions focus on understanding server roles and permissions. The first part of the exam requires you to provide your contact information. Cannot hyperlink any text in a normal message, must use an embed. WebThe Discord Moderator Academy (DMA) was created to empower those moderators to lead more effectively, manage teams, and learn more about the tools needed to help foster their communities. However, you can expect that they will improve some combination of first day activation, user retention, and/or percent communicators within your server. You can also use this embed visualizer tool which provides visualization for bot and webhook embeds. The link to the Discord Moderator Academy Exam can be found in every article on the Discord Moderator Academy. A Discord raid is a sudden influx of trouble-makers on a server. Once accepted into the program, review all available resources related to moderation duties and work diligently at keeping peace within your assigned communities! If you want to use the remove unverified role method, you will need a bot that can automatically assign a role to a user when they join. After youve completed the exam, youll see a success message that says Exam Complete!. Users will not be subject to the server verification level on joining, but will be after they verify. By adhering to these principles while moderating your server, it will help create a positive atmosphere where everyone feels comfortable talking without fear of being reprimanded unjustly. There are rate limits in place to stop bots from harming servers that can prevent deletion of individual messages if those messages are being sent too quickly. WebThe Discord Moderator Academy (DMA) was created to empower those moderators to lead more effectively, manage teams, and learn more about the tools needed to help foster their communities. Do not evade user blocks or server bans. WebBeing a moderator means more than just being hoisted at the top of the server and having a fancy color. Reading through existing threads can give you a better idea of what kind of conversations take place on the server so that you have an understanding of appropriate behavior while participating in these discussions. WebThe Discord Moderator Academy (DMA) was created to empower those moderators to lead more effectively, manage teams, and learn more about the tools needed to help foster their communities. This can allow a server to remove links with an appropriate reprimand without treating a transgression with the same severity as they would a user sending a racial slur.Whitelisting/Blacklisting and templates for links are also a good idea to have. Role of administrators and moderators on Discord, Discord's commitment to a safe and trusted experience, Talking about online safety with your teen, Answering parents' and educators' top questions, Working with CARU to protect users on Discord, 111: Your Responsibilities as a Moderator, 207: Server Information and Announcement Channels, 231: Fundamentals of Family-Friendly Servers, 311: Understanding and Avoiding Moderator Burnout, 314: Training and Onboarding New Moderators, 341: Understanding Your Community Through Insights, 345: Best Practices for Moderating Content Creation, 404: Considering Mental Health in Your Community, 405: Practicalities of Moderating Adult Channels, 407: Managing Exponential Membership Growth, 442: Using Insights to Improve Community Growth and Engagement, 444: Managing Interpersonal Relationships, 459: Bringing Other Communities to Discord, 541: The Application of Metaphors in Moderation.